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Changing Lives

With Rocksteady, there are so many opportunities for children to succeed in ways that are meaningful to them. Whether it’s giving a child a reason to be excited to go to school, a place to make new friendships, or creative outlet that all children can find joy in, see why this is so much more than music.

“Rocksteady has given Imogen and Phoebe more self-belief. They are far more ready for a challenge, ready to have more of a voice and they are not afraid to shine. They are thriving.”

Imogen and Phoebe

Sisters Imogen and Phoebe joined Rocksteady about a year ago and they haven’t looked back, as mum, Lamorna explains:

“The girls’ confidence needed a massive boost. Both have dyslexia and Imogen also has mild sensory dyspraxia – Rocksteady has been like therapy. Their confidence has grown more than we ever could have imagined, and all their fears and anxiety completely disappear when they’re playing alongside their bandmates. It’s been a life changing experience for them both.”

Imogen in particular has benefited from the lessons, with her mum reporting that it’s made a “considerable difference” to her dyslexia.

Having developed an appetite for performance the girls have since joined a musical theatre group, something that Lamorna says wouldn’t have been possible without Rocksteady: “It’s given Imogen and Phoebe more self-belief. They are far more ready for a challenge, ready to have more of a voice and they are not afraid to shine. They are thriving.”

“Harry struggles greatly with his confidence and self-esteem, yet I’ve never seen him look as confident as he did on stage at his Rocksteady concert, he didn’t even look nervous.”


Learning and being in a school environment had always been a challenge for 10-year-old Harry. Having refused to attend school for two years and with his confidence and self-esteem at an all-time low, mum Sarah was understandably concerned for her son’s wellbeing. A chance sighting of a Rocksteady poster at his new school was soon to change everything however, as Sarah explains:

“Harry thought it would be really cool to be part of a band, so we signed him up for lessons and we’ve never looked back. He’s gained so much confidence, improved his communication skills and developed great new friendships with his band mates. Only two years ago he wasn’t in education, and now he always gets up early on lesson days as he’s so excited to get to school. It’s a huge success.”

“Harry’s fine motor skills have also greatly improved because of Rocksteady lessons. I’ve noticed that he can hold his pen better and he can also now do up the buttons on his shirt, something that he couldn’t do before.”

“Harry struggles greatly with his confidence and self-esteem, yet I’ve never seen him look as confident as he did on stage at his Rocksteady concert – he didn’t even look nervous! I cannot put into words how proud I was and at the end.”

“He’s much calmer on the days when he’s had a lesson as it helps with his anxiety. He loves music and his drums and these lessons provide a release.”


Rocksteady lessons provide a little respite for Toby-John.

Diagnosed with Autism at the age of 5, Toby-John has anxiety and can find coping with the daily struggles of the school day difficult. However, playing drums alongside his friends in their band helps to ensure he doesn’t become too overwhelmed. As his Mum, Kerrie, explains:

“Toby-John has several conditions that make school really challenging. In particular noise sensory issues make it hard for him to focus in class. Rocksteady is his escape. He’s much calmer on the days when he’s had a lesson as it helps with his anxiety. He loves music and his drums and these lessons provide a release. He feels safe, comfortable and he can express himself, ready to return to class.”

“I built friendships that lasted way beyond the lessons themselves, and the experience inspired me to explore different genres and artists that have since influenced my own music.”


Former Rocksteady student, Seth Grey, is already causing a stir in musical circles with his unquestionable talent, having secured a top five place at the ‘International Young Guitarist of the Year’ competition.

Seth was only six years old when Rocksteady visited his school to run a free live assembly and music workshop. Playing keyboard at first and later switching to guitar, Seth just loved learning the instruments in such a fun environment. Although it was about far more than that, as he explains:

“Teamwork and perseverance were just some of the skills Rocksteady taught me. To learn some of the trickier songs, you really needed to work together and being part of a band helped to push me on and get me to where I am today.”

“Rocksteady opened up a whole new world of music and friendship for me. I built friendships that lasted way beyond the lessons themselves and the experience inspired me to explore different genres and artists that have since influenced my own music.”