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Gender Pay Gap

Rocksteady 2023 Gender Pay Gap Statement

Gender pay gap reporting requires companies who employ 250 staff or more to publish statutory calculations every year showing what the pay gap is between their male and female employees. The Gender pay gap report is based on data as at 5th April 2023. The table below shows Rocksteady’s Gender Pay Gap is lower than the UK average where median pay was 14.3% less for women than for men in April 2023.

Rocksteady’s Pay Gender Gap is as follows:

  Median Mean (Average)
% pay gap 7.2% 7.9%

This means that women’s mean (average) pay is 7.9% higher than men’s.


Proportion of staff awarded a bonus during the year to April 23.

Gender Male Female
% Receiving a Bonus 8% 8%


Our Bonus Gap is as follows:

  Median Mean (Average)
% bonus gap 64.1% 43.6%

This means that women’s average bonus pay is 43.6% lower than men’s.


Pay Quartiles

This means that women occupy 42% of the highest paid jobs and 20% of the lower paid jobs.

Quartiles Male % Female %
Upper 58% 42%
Upper Middle 70% 30%
Lower Middle 81% 19%
Lower 80% 20%


Rocksteady have a large number of roles that are defined by job titles particularly in the area of teaching and administration.  Within these roles, male and female employees are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs.

We are committed to recruiting the best person for the role, regardless of gender.


Sara Bignell
Director of People